Good Neighbors
Post date: Feb 10, 2014 8:22:38 AM
We all want the Rancho Lomas subdivision to be place that everyone in our association and community can enjoy. With that in mind the RLOA Board would like to offer a few friendly "good neighbor" reminders that will ensure that our families and friends can continue to enjoy the community.
Please be respectful of surrounding neighbors, both in our association and those properties that may border our association, with regard to barking dogs. If you have a dog that barks or have a neighbor with dogs, be sure to understand what the City of Las Cruces ordnance is.
The following is taken directly from the City of Las Cruces (CLC) Ordnance and can be found on the CLC Animal Control - Resources and Information Page.
"ANIMAL NOISE (CLC Article 1, Ordinance 7-15) It shall constitute a violation of the ordinance if the howling, barking or noise occurs continually and audible beyond the property line of the premise on which the animal is located: For more than 15 minutes between the hours of 10 PM - 8 PM and is attested by 2 or more separate complainants or for more than 15 minutes between the hours of 8 AM - 10 PM and is attested by 2 or more separate complainants or for more than 15 minutes within a 24. hour period as attested by an Animal Control Officer."
Along these same lines, our community is uniquely suited for enjoying a walk with our pets. There is nothing better than an evening stroll to enjoy the majestic views and is a wonderful benefit of our subdivision. We would like to take this opportunity to remind pet owners to please respect their neighbors by cleaning up after their pets and using leashes when walking in the community.
By being mindful of these few items we can ensure that we will all continue to enjoy our community.