2014 Annual Meeting
The Rancho Lomas Owner's Association's most recent Annual Meeting of its members was held on Tuesday, August 26th 2014 at the Sunset Grill (1274 Golf Club Road, Las Cruces).
1. Review of past year activities
2. Annual budget review
3. RLOA website updates
4. Nominations and elections to the Board of Directors
5. Other new business
6. Q/A as time permits
The meeting announcement for this annual meeting was sent electronically to RLOA members' e-mail address on file.
Please note - the document named "RLOA Annual Meeting 2014 Activity Review.pdf" was distributed at the meeting for review and discussion by the participants. The "RLOA Annual Meeting Minutes 2014.pdf" show the approved minutes of the proceedings. Click on either file to view or download the files.